

julio 22, 2016

Lucky Day

This is my new optimistic positive corporate music track with cheerful bright mood, which contain male vocal (it was me:), dance drums, acoustic guitar, live whistle, synths, claps and bass…I’ve included in pack different versions of this track – with vocal, without vocal, short looped and logo versions, for your comfortable using (some of the loops are direct cuts from the full length track, so i don’t put them in preview)…

julio 22, 2016

julio 22, 2016

Techno Tek

Hard and punchy electronic dance, fresh and modern with biting synths, boom kick and saw bass.

Could fit video projects with night club scenes, or every content that needs to deliver some message to young community etc.

julio 22, 2016

julio 22, 2016



Eiusmod Austin est retro, lomo four loko mixtape. Forage selvage delectus, incididunt assumenda odio nostrud. Fap biodiesel pour-over, DIY seitan squid drinking vinegar cray banh mi est. Organic art party plaid selfies. Officia pickled fap eu vinyl ad. Sint in actually dreamcatcher, narwhal mixtape flannel Schlitz pork belly. Sunt ugh whatever, lo-fi you probably haven’t heard of them laboris ennui exercitation dolor Etsy nesciunt put a bird on it proident Helvetica. Eiusmod Austin est retro, lomo four loko mixtape. Forage selvage delectus, incididunt assumenda odio nostrud. Fap biodiesel pour-over, DIY seitan squid drinking vinegar cray banh mi est. Organic art party plaid selfies. Officia pickled fap eu vinyl ad. Sint in actually dreamcatcher, narwhal mixtape flannel Schlitz pork belly. Sunt ugh whatever, lo-fi you probably haven’t heard of them laboris ennui exercitation dolor Etsy nesciunt put a bird on it proident Helvetica.

Eiusmod Austin est retro, lomo four loko mixtape. Forage selvage delectus, incididunt assumenda odio nostrud. Fap biodiesel pour-over, DIY seitan squid drinking vinegar cray banh mi est. Organic art party plaid selfies. Officia pickled fap eu vinyl ad. Sint in actually dreamcatcher, narwhal mixtape flannel Schlitz pork belly. Sunt ugh whatever, lo-fi you probably haven’t heard of them laboris ennui exercitation dolor Etsy nesciunt put a bird on it proident Helvetica.

julio 22, 2016

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